Up to 5,000,000 characters a month or 750,000 characters a day
High speed corrections
Up to 1,000 words in personal dictionary
per year
Annual Pro Plan
Up to 5,000,000 characters a month or 750,000 characters a day
High speed corrections
Up to 1,000 words in personal dictionary
You can cancel your subscription at any time.
We don't keep your texts, and all the communication with our servers is encrypted. No human eyes look at your texts. We are committed to your confidentiality.
Wordeep takes care of your writing, anywhere you go. Our real-time grammar-checking browser extension proofreads your texts while you type them, on any website.
If you don't want to install anything, no problem! Just scroll up and type any text you want directly into the text box. You can do it on your mobile too.
Better Emails
Have a look at how you can improve your writing when you write emails online, using our browser extension.
If you have Microsoft Word 2016 or any later version, getting a professional, real-time grammar check is easy. You can also correct the docx file directly on our website, without using any software.
If you use Outlook to write your emails, either through the website or the application, our Wordeep add-in will provide you with immediate corrections that will ensure that your email writing is as flawless as can be.
Mobile Keyboard
Contact Us
We'd love to hear your feedback, questions, and suggestions, so we can continue to grow and improve in providing you with the best possible service.